Radio Communications Tasmania Police Scanner

Tasmanian police scanner part 3


At the start of September 2023 Tasmania Police moved to an encrypted P25 network known as the Tasmanian Government Radio Network. Therefore unfortunately the scanner feed is no longer available.


The police scanner had some reliability issues running under Windows Server 2012 because the USB drivers for the sound capture device weren’t 100% compatible with Windows Server and after some time would get in a state where audio capture wouldn’t work until the system was rebooted. Quite a few people reported problems connecting to the scanner and that was the reason for it being unreliable. After upgrading to Windows Server 2016 the driver stopped working altogether so I decided to remove the scanner from the server and attach it to my PC.

The good news is because the USB capture device has supported Windows 10 drivers it appears to be working well now and I haven’t seen any reliability issues yet. The bad news is that I don’t leave the PC running overnight so it won’t be available between about midnight and 8:00AM Australian Eastern Time. The scanner is still available at the address below, note that the password field is for some administrative functions that I don’t have enabled so you don’t need a password to listen to the feed: