Electronics GPS / GIS

SatSleuth Electronic Circuit Diagrams

I maintain a list of electronic circuit diagrams at and have just added links to the individual categories on the blogroll. As of today it contains 2876 circuit diagrams and with everything on a single page it’s a convenient resource for searching or just for a general browse for your next Sunday afternoon project. On the page there is also now a way to add links to your own circuit diagrams, although the current hit rate is about 98% SPAM to 2% genuine submissions.

Soon I’ll need to update the other web pages to indicate the project status. The Satsleuth GPS tracking pages were a placeholder for a new company / product but we ended up offloading marketing to another company that sell it under a different product name. Other than the circuit diagrams the pages have remained unchanged for quite some time so I’ll update the pages to showcase some turnkey GPS tracking and asset management solutions that I have available for licensing to solution providers.